Resonance FM Interview
This is an interview I recorded for Resonance FM with We Are Change UK, a rapidly-growing activist group in the USA and Europe, in which I get the chance to discuss the spies, their crimes, cover-ups,...
View ArticleBBC Radio Bristol Interview
A recent interview on BBC Radio Bristol to publicise the screening of an award-winning new documentary called “The Elephant in the Room”, made by talented director Dean Puckett. I had the chance to...
View ArticleBBC Radio interview about the “snoopers’ charter”
Yesterday I gave an interview to BBC Radio Ulster about the security fall-out of the Woolwich murder and the cynical political opportunism of those calling, inevitably, for greater powers for the spies...
View ArticleFrance Inter radio interview at CCC
A short radio interview about the importance of privacy that I did at the recent CCC with France Inter radio: France Inter Radio interview at the CCC from Annie Machon on Vimeo. France Inter radio...
View ArticleWebstock in New Zealand
I just want to say a huge thank you to the organisers of the 10th Webstock Festival in New Zealand earlier this month – definitely worth the interminable flights. This is a tech-focused conference that...
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